Do You Know How to Prevent a Silverfish Infestation?

Silverfish are strange-looking and destructive pests. Learning about them and their habits can help eradicate them from your home.

Here are some facts that will help you guard against a silverfish infestation.

What are silverfish?

Silverfish are ancient insects that have been around for over 400 million years, predating dinosaurs. They were named silverfish because they have scales, and their bodies wiggle when they move, resembling a fish. They have evolved to become very fast, which helps them avoid predators like spiders. Silverfish are most active at night.

What attracts silverfish?

Silverfish often seek moisture in bathrooms and kitchens. They gravitate towards plumbing fixtures and can cause quite a fright when they crawl out of shower drains.

Silverfish feed on starch, protein, and sugar. Therefore, they will eat books, fabric, wallpaper, flour, etc. Their eating habits can be problematic for homeowners as they are pretty destructive.

Are silverfish harmful?

Silverfish do not bite humans or pets. Nor do they spread disease. However, these pests feed on dead skin cells and hair shed around the house. Silverfish are not venomous and will not cause harm unless people are allergic to them.

How long do silverfish live?

Silverfish take up to two years to reach adulthood. A female silverfish can lay two to 20 eggs every day for the rest of her life. With a lifespan of three to six years, a silverfish infestation in a home can quickly reach plague proportions.

Where will silverfish likely be found in the home?

Silverfish like dark spaces that are warm and humid. Hence, these pests will avoid the heavily-trafficked areas of the home. Typically, they are in kitchens, bathrooms, basements, and attics. Silverfish also like to hide in crevices, so look for them in door and window frames, skirting boards, and seams of bookshelves. Soft furnishing and carpets also attract these vermin and the pantry where dry foods are stored.

Silverfish are most active at night and during the warmer months. As they are attracted to moist places, their presence could indicate water damage in the home. Excess moisture may lead to wood rot, mold, algae, and other problems.

What are the signs of a silverfish infestation?

Silverfish will create holes in books and upholstery because they like to eat paper and fabric. You can also see them darting from one place to another, although they are hard to spot during the day. Their oval, cream-colored eggs can also be seen in crevices around the home.

How to get rid of silverfish

Over time, silverfish have built resistance to many insecticides. However, some products on the market can get rid of them. Engaging the services of a licensed pest control service would be the best way to ensure your home is free of silverfish.

San Tan Pest And Weed Control offers reliable pest control for residential and commercial customers in Mesa, Tempe, Ahwatukee, Phoenix, Lower Santan Village, Queen Creek, Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Gilbert, and Chandler. Our pest management services control scorpions, ants, termites, bees, wasps, fleas, rodents, cockroaches, weeds, and more. We provide attic and crawl space cleaning and home sealing services to keep pests out. Call us at (480)405-0690.


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